Bathtime is now a significant part of our day. It’s how we begin our bedtime routine and wind down the boys. Depending on how BB naps, my husband will bath him between 6 pm and 7 pm, with his bedtime straight after.
When he was a little younger BB’s bedtime was 8 pm, but I’ve been training him to go to bed at half 7, and eventually 7pm. So a bath at 6 pm pretty much guarantees him to be asleep by 7 pm. This was our routine with Lamb too.
Today I’m sharing our top 5 baby bathtime products that we use with BB (and Lamb!).
1. First up is our Shnuggle Bath. I really love this bath. Now BB is 4 months old and can hold his head he’s able to sit up in this bath quite comfortably. The integrated bum bump and foam head rest allows him to sit safely and not slip down into the bath. This also means my hands are free for washing and splashing!
2. We recently became Childs Farm ambassadors and they sent us a Baby Essentials Kit to try out. It’s the first time I’ve used their products and I fell in love straight away. Not only are they gentle on sensitive skin, they smell delicious. Oh and did I mention I’ve got a discount code for you. Just head over to the Child’s Farm website and enter CFAMB221 at the checkout for 30% off your order.
3. Next we have our snuggly Original Cuddledry
hands free towel. I’m obsessed with grey and white so when Cuddledry sent me a sample of their new grey star towel I got a little excited. Not only does this towel make drying your baby much easier (with the hands free design) but it’s incredibly soft. We love Cuddledry towels in our house. Lamb has the hooded dino towel, and BB has 2 of the hands free towels. I actually think these towels make lovely gifts for new parents. If you’re stuck for something to buy a baby on the way, I guarantee the parents won’t be disappointed with one of these towels.
4. As a mum I’ve become a little obsessed with Johnsons Baby Powder. I always have a mini bottle in the changing bag. It just has multiple uses! It’s fab for getting sand off your feet at the beach. I use it on my skin when I’m sweating (I’m not ashamed to admit my thighs rub together 😉 ). Of course it makes drying much quicker when we’ve been swimming. Not many mums I know use it and that really surprises me. Their bedtime powder is lovely. I’ve been using it since Lamb was a baby. In fact, we still have the same bottle 3 1/2 years later! Fragranced with their signature bedtime smell, it’s a vital part to our bedtime routine and will be for a while.
5. I’ve never really used a bath thermometer before because I think you can pretty much tell if the bath is too hot. For times when we bath with the boys (and might be tempted to make it a little hotter for our benefit), we use the Munchkin Hot Safety Bath Duck to make sure it’s safe for the kids. And of course this doubles up as a toy for the toddlers!
So those are our top 5 baby bathtime products that we are currently using during every bathtime.
What bathtime products do you recommend?
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