Pregnant with a boy? Or already have a little man? Then you are most likely going to join the dinosaur loving club. Any parent of a boy will agree – dinosaurs are a fave. The thing is, how do baby boys know they love dinosaurs, especially before they are even born?! Well, they don’t. Us mums cause the obsession. We choose the clothes, toys, books. We are to blame for the dinosaur obsession.
Well, I’m guilty of that. Actually Joes parents are the reason for my dinosaur obsession. They very generously offered to decorate the nursery as our gift for the baby. They found samples of the most amazing wallpapers and fabrics by Harlequin.
I instantly fell in love with the wallpaper. The quirky sketches, subtle colours and the complementary matching fabric. It’s completely different to what I had planned, but that’s why I love it. It’s different to typical nursery colours and wallpapers and it will last for years. Lamb won’t get bored of it and we can accessorise it to suit his age. Perfect.
Joe really enjoyed decorating Lamb’s nursery. I was so impressed with his wallpapering skills, especially as it was his first time! His dad helped out quite a lot. I think they felt it was their daddy/grandad duty to decorate. I was a little too pregnant to help out, so I was in charge of making tea and providing biscuits. 😉
Completing Lamb’s nursery was one of my favourite parts of early motherhood. Preparing the room dedicated to the little bean sprout growing in my belly made it all so real. I ironed his clothes and organised them into his drawers, re- organised them, and yes, re-organised them again. And again. I just wish his room still looked as neat and tidy as it does in the photos!
Having this amazing dinosaur wallpaper kick started my obsession with all things dinosaur, and it’s only getting worse. I just see things with dinosaurs on and assume Lamb needs it. No Alex, he don’t need it. It’s not “essential”, it’s not “absolutely necessary”, it’s not “vital” that he has it.
I’m trying to control my addiction, I promise. But it’s difficult to control when every morning Lamb wakes up, points to his wallpaper and “grrrrrrrr’s”. It’s just too cute!
Have you found yourself becoming addicted to buying certain things for your little one?
Keep an eye out for my next dinosaur post – i’m sure there will be plenty!
Alex xx
Gorgeous wallpaper!!
What a lucky boy 🙂
Lovely isn’t it! Harlequin do the best wallpaper x