I was tagged by the lovely Lauren over at Scrapbook Blog to take part in this fun little ‘interview the kids’ series. If you want to read the interview with Lauren’s 2 munchkins you can here.
These kinds of posts can be so funny as you never know what they are going to answer. Of course I’d love to include Bear, but as he can only say “ta”, “dada”, “Peppa” and “banana”, so it wouldn’t be much of an interview!
I’ve never been able to get Lamb to take part in stuff like this as he simply can’t be bothered to answer the questions. He rolls his eyes like I’m asking him to take on a mammoth task. I swear that kid is 4 going on 14.
Anyway, I gave it a go and as you can see he’s still not one with his words…
What’s the best thing about being 4?
“I get to play computer games.”
What makes you laugh?
“Saying poo poo and wee wee.”
What’s your favourite book?
“Poo Poo” and laughs. Then answers The Jolly Postman – that’s my boy!!
Favourite food?
“Orange. Apple. Sausage, mash and green beans.”
Actual food. He answered with actual food!
Favourite song?
“The loud song that daddy plays.”
Favourite outfit?
“Hulk pyjamas. My superhero costumes.”
Favourite TV programme?
Favourite toy?
Favourite thing to do?
“Play Banjo Kazooie”
I really thought I’d get more out of him to be honest. But its seems he’s the same as he’s always been and hates answering questions.
Like most 4 year olds he’s going through the phase of thinking poo is hilarious. And answered it for most of the questions. Typical.
Some of these answers aren’t even what I thought he’d say, but I’ve written them honestly to show you what a little character he is!
I’m tagging the following bloggers to take part, so head over to their blogs if you want to read what their kids answer.
Why not try asking your little ones these questions and see what they say?
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