I haven’t really gone into detail about my under active thyroid before. Because in all honesty I don’t really know much about it. I’ve never been given an overview of hypothyroidism. I was told to take meds and have been since my early twenties. (I’m now 31).
My first symptom was weight gain. I gained weight quickly and I had no idea why. After persuading the nurse to check my blood for hypothyroidism (because my mum and great aunt have it) I was diagnosed and taking medication 2 days later.
Pretty crazy to be honest.
So fast forward to today and I’m still on meds, and most likely will be for the rest of my life.
Although the medication regulates my thyroxine levels, I still suffer with several symptoms. Some of which I didn’t realise was connected to hypothyroidism. I currently take 175mcg per day, which as far as I’m aware is quite a high dosage. On average I take around 150mcg, but recently I’ve been feeling even more tired than usual and my dose needed increasing.
I’m not happy about it, but I’m also not happy about yawing every 10 minutes and shivering because I’m always cold.
Yep, that’s right. My condition means I’m always cold. (Which explains a lot as I remember constantly complaining I was cold when I was younger).
If you’ve read in my New Year: New Me post you’ll know I’m attacking this year with a ‘I got this’ attitude. I’m organising my time better so I’m less stressed around the kids. I’m trying not to work late into the night (unless I have a deadline) so I can get a decent nights sleep… eh Bear?
And I’m trying to keep up with healthy eating to maintain my weight and increase my metabolism. Which is pretty shocking to be honest.
If you follow me on Instagram, you would have seen I’ve been working with So Shape recently. I accepted their 5 day challenge and was sent a selection of their shakes and meals.
This is the first time I’ve tried a diet like this. One of my main reasons for taking part in the So Shape challenge was because I am terrible at eating before 10am, and this really isn’t good for my condition.
As I mentioned, having an under active thyroid means I have a slow metabolism. So eating a substantial breakfast should be my priority. However I have two munchkins who take priority over everything else (and because the little monkeys refuse to get dressed when I ask them to) I rarely have time to eat before the school run.
The So Shape challenge consists of a choice of sweet shakes, hot meals or soups. I opted for a shake in the morning, and a meal in the evening.
The meals I chose weren’t to my taste. I am much happier with grilled chicken and green veg (which you can actually still eat while taking the challenge). Having said that my husband really liked the meals so it was just down to personal taste.
The shakes however, were exactly what I needed. They were the perfect option for me to have something filling in the morning before the school run. Something quick and easy to make, that I can take with me as I chase the kids around the house getting dressed, brushing teeth, putting shoes on.
If I was to do the challenge again, I’ve opt for 2 shakes a day. (FYI the chocolate ones are totally yum).
When I started this challenge I had a think about the way I would approach it in terms of the review. I imagine most of the time, people take the challenge to lose weight, and if I’m honest I would of been happy too lose a little.
I didn’t weight myself, however I measured my body and after the 5 days I actually lost half an inch on my waist. Which is typical as that’s where I’m the slimmest. It would of been nice to lose a little off my bum and thighs! You could call me a Kardashian…
When I read about the shakes and how they can improve your diet, what got me thinking was how following the So Shape challenge can also improve your metabolism.
The one thing that effects my day to day life; my slow metabolism.
Wouldn’t it be amazing if, after 5 days, I noticed an improvement, even if only slight, in my energy levels?
Well that’s exactly what happened. by the end of the 5 days, I genuinely noticed an improvement in my energy and I was most definitely yawing less.
Living with an under active thyroid does mean you’ll rarely go a day without seeing me yawn. And to be honest I’m fed up if it. At lunch with friends, at the soft play with Bear, in the school assembly.
I yawn. I yawn a lot.
What I’ve learned from taking the So Shape challenge is I absolutely must make more of an effort to eat when I first wake up, and not 3 hours later after the school run.
As I mentioned above there are several symptoms I struggle with, and I recently learned that hypothyroidism can cause mood swings and depression. I now wonder if my struggles with stress and feeling low sometimes all stems from this one condition?
You see, even when my medication is regulated I’m still not 100%. I still feel tired. I still have days where I don’t feel like smiling much. Days where my body feels incredibly cold and shivery.
“Bad thyroid days” as I like to call them.
I’ve never really given my condition much thought before. I just took my meds and skipped merrily through life.
But I’m now starting to look at this more closely and at ways I can improve it myself; ways I can give my meds a little helping hand.
If you asked me whether I’d take the So Shape challenge again my answer would absolutely be YES.
Drinking those shakes gave my body the kick start it needed each morning to keep my cogs ticking for the rest of the day. It allowed me to not worry about rushing something to eat, or end up feeling dizzy because I hadn’t eaten anything and it was approaching 10am.
On top of that, it’s a great way for me to maintain the weight loss I’ve already achieved.
Living with this illness isn’t ideal, but I don’t see it as hindering in any way. I feel lucky it was caught in my early twenties and I’ve had time to learn how my body works and how I can help myself look and feel what I’m comfortable with.
Thank you to So Shape for allowing me to work with them and opening my eyes a little to just how important it is for me to eat a healthy and filling breakfast.
And just take care of myself a little better.
If you’d like to try the So Shape 14 day or 28 day challenge you can use my discount LAMB&BEAR10 to get 10% off!
*This is in collaboration with So Shape. All words and opinions are honest and my own.
Fran Back With A Bump says
You poor thing! I have an underactive thyroid too but only take 50/25mg alternate days. Mine started after Oliver was born and I just kept feeling really tired and sicky, like that yawning about to vom feeling. Thankfully it’s all under control now and I can’t say I have any side effects. These shakes sound fab though! x
lambandbear says
When I was pregnant it was so bad my thyroid was practically non functioning! I was almost put on 200mcg a day which was worrying. It balanced out at 175 though and thats what I’m on now. I just wish there was more I could do (or someone would tell me what I can do) to help improve how I feel each day xx
Polly says
Glad that So shape is helping you. Hope it keeps on doing so x
Slummy Single Mummy says
Hats off to you for dealing with what sounds like a really horrible condition. It must feel exhausting sometimes to think that this is something that’s just going to be there FOREVER.
lambandbear says
Thank you. I have days where I don’t even notice, then days where my head is all over the place. Feeling depressed, exhausted, cold. It sucks x
Jess says
I didn’t realise hypothyroidism has so many symptoms – I was only really aware of the metabolism and weight gain, and energy levels! I hope you’re able to keep up the breakfast habit, and it keeps on helping you 🙂
lambandbear says
I didn’t realise either! I wish I’d been educated about it better, I was literally told nothing. x
Hannah - Budding Smiles says
This is so interesting to read and I’m glad you noticed an improvement. I have to take vitamin D and antidepressants and a big part of both my depression and deficiency is extreme tiredness. Although that’s a lot better now, I still don’t have the greatest diet and that means I’m often sluggish and tired xx
lambandbear says
I don’t take any vitamins (well I do but not regularly) but I really must to improve my general health. It’s hard when yo have a million things to remember each day! xx
Debbie says
I’m glad the shakes have helped. I have breakfast as soon as I wake up otherwise I can’t function. I find it definitely helps. We have hypothyroidism in the family too.
Maria says
I have hyperthyroidism and am also on meds but like you I’ve just been taking my meds and not thought about it much further. I probably need to look a little closer into my day-to-day too as I’ve noticed I’m suffering from really bad PMT at the moment.
I’m so glad to hear that you’ve noticed an improvement on your energy levels since taking So Shape. I’m going to have a look into this.
Jade - Raising the Rings says
Sounds like this has really worked for you lovely! I suffer with borderline hypothyroidism but only when I’m pregnant. I need to book in for my blood test actually – that would explain why I’m always freezing cold at the minute! I feel you on the late breakfast front too – I’ve been making much more of an effort x