As it was my birthday on Tuesday, I decided to go for a stroll through town and try to spend my birthday money because it normally goes in my purse and disappears on pointless purchases. However, I made the mistake of walking through H&M, getting into the lift, and going to the children’s department. I didn’t mean to, it was an accident, I promise! 😉
To no surprise, I bought a few bits for Lamb. Can you blame me? My local H&M has recently doubled in size, added a massive children’s department (and maternity – only 2 years too late!), and stocks so much lovely product!
Here is what I have added to Lambs 18-24 month wardrobe (I still can’t believe he’s 18 months – but I do love this age).
Of course, as soon as I saw this, I knew I would buy it. Dinosaurs rock.
Another obvious choice. Printed trousers. I’m obsessed. And these have superhero masks on them?! Who doesn’t love a superhero?
I love this vest. The quality is amazing, and I love the detailing. This will go perfectly with the stuff I picked up from Zara recently. It’s quite big for an 18-24 month size, so he probably won’t wear it for a few months. You can see what I got from Zara here.
Finally, we have Lambs new hat & mittens. He had these last winter which had racoons on them, this time it’s penguins – just as cute. He looked adorable in them last year, and baby bear even had the girls set (I’m secretly hoping mummy bear buys the girls set again this year so they can match!)
The stuff from H&M is such amazing value, and lasts forever. I’ve never had any problems with their clothing and will continue to shop there throughout Lambs toddler years.
You can see my last H&M baby boy haul here.
What do you think of the stuff I got? Do you also shop in H&M? I’d love to see what gems you’ve found in there recently.
Alex xx
I love H&M for children’s clothes and I buy a lot for my daughter from there. In fact, I’ve just ordered a couple of items online that I couldn’t find in the shops. I love that little dinosaur hoody. I saw that last time I was in there. x
I was lucky to beth the dinosaur hoody, they only had a couple left when I found it! They girls section is amazing too. My brother and his girlfriend just had a little girl, so I’ve been going crazy buying her stuff too 🙂 x