Ok, so it’s now less than 3 months until our wedding. Yikes.
For those who haven’t read my dieting posts, I am a keen follower of the Weight Watchers diet. In December last year I reached my goal weight, and lost 2 stone of baby weight in 4 months. Not bad eh?
You can read about losing my baby weight here.
Having reached my goal I allowed myself to book in a day of trying wedding dresses. You can read about finding my wedding dress here.
It’s been 8 months since I last tried on my dress and I’m about to book my first fitting. I’m so scared! I have no idea if my shape or size is the same. I’ve been weighing myself when I find some scales (I refuse to own a set or I’ll get a tad obsessed) and I think I’m around 4lbs lighter than I was in January. I wanted to be even lighter than what I am, everyone keeps telling me I shouldn’t lose anymore, but it’s my wedding! My wedding! I want to look amazing, and I would feel better if I Iost a few more lbs.
The thing is, I just can’t get back into the diet! I’m so comfortable with my weight. OK, yes I’d be happier if my hips and bum were smaller, but I’m a size 8 on top, which is a-ma-zing.
Since reaching my goal weight I’ve stuck to eating well. Kind of. As Mummy Bear will see this I better be honest and admit to the odd take-away (every week 😉 ) But other than that I still eat healthy, home cooked meals like I would on Weight Watchers. I think that’s why I’ve kept the weight off. It’s simple isn’t it? Eat well and exercise. My exercise comes from running around after my son. I don’t go to the gym – I hate working out. So I go for walks with Lamb, run around the garden with him, and generally pick him up a million times a day!
So what can I do to lose a few more lbs? Well, I’ve decided to cut out carbs (from at least 2 meals a day). This is going to be difficult for me at lunch time as I usually have a sandwich. Dinner time will be easy. I love stir fry’s so I’ll just take away the rice or noodles and and add more meat and veg. Or I’ll cook a big bowl of low fat curry and bulk our with veg etc. Easy peasy. Breakfast will consist of a ‘grill up’. Grilled bacon medallions, low fat sausages and eggs. Yum. This dieting doesn’t sound so bad now does it?
I don’t want to stress about weight leading up to my wedding. In my head i’m happy. Ok, so yes I have a bum like a Kardashian (my friend actually calls me Kimmy), but so what? For the first time in my whole life, I’m actually comfortable with my curves. I think becoming a mum, gaining pregnancy weight, then losing pregnancy weight, has helped me become proud of what I have achieved with my body. I created a life! And I have the stretch marks to prove it! We should all stop worrying about what other people think, which we are all guilty of in some way.
So when I book my 1st fitting at the bridal shop, I know it’s going to be nerve wracking (just because I haven’t tried it on in so long) but it’s also going to be a huge achievement, personally. The style dress I have bought is a style I never thought I would be able to wear, honestly it isn’t. It’s going to surprise a lot of my guests, hopefully in a good way!
I can’t wait to share my dress with you. Obviously I’ll wait until after the big day (which isn’t that far away now – eek!) In the mean time, look out for my next dress post which will be about having my first fitting (fingers crossed it goes well!)
I feel like this post has suddenly turned into a weight therapy session. Funny how your thoughts just run away with you. If you’re reading this and I’ve made you smile, and feel good about yourself, then I’m so glad. Or if I’ve inspired you in any way to get motivated to lose your baby weight then fab! Us mums all go through the same body changes, you should be proud of what your body has achieved!
Alex xx