Last month ago I was offered the Fred’s Swim Trainer to review from Babyeeze store in intuLakeside. It was perfect timing because we were due to go on holiday so I knew I could use the product while we were away.
Going swimming with 2 kids takes some practice. 1 child between 2 adults is so easy compared. You see, no one has free hands. One has the pre-schooler, one has the baby. So how do us parents get to do any swimming?
I’d never seen the swim trainer before and when I googled it, I thought it was the perfect product to review on my blog. Why? Because it’s unknown, but innovative. The exact sort of product I want to review for my readers.
Going swimming with a newborn is difficult. They are slippery, wriggly and pretty awkward to hold.
The Fred’s Swim Trainer is suitable from 3+ months and can be used until approx 4 years. 3 months is when your baby will have some head control when laying on their front
The swim trainer is easy to use with 2 adults, but using it alone may be tricky and I recommend practicing before getting in the pool.
Lay baby on their front with their arms over the ring. You then fasten the white buckle around their waist, the the shoulder straps go over their neck and clip into the top of the buckle. Then close the buckle to prevent the clips coming undone. The fastening system is really secure and at no point did I worry that BB would slip out.
What’s great about the swim trainer is you can be totally hands free and know your baby can float safely next to you. As soon as we put BB into his ring we could tell he felt safe and secure. He didn’t wriggle or complain, he didn’t make a sound. He was happy and content.
It also gets them used to using their legs and kicking in the water, giving them the ideal swimming position for learning to swim.
Overall I really love this product and I’m quite surprised more parents don’t own one! As a family we love going swimming. My husband takes Lamb after pre-school on Friday evenings and I take BB for lessons on Friday lunch times.
Both of my boys love the water and now we have the swim trainer our trips to the pool are so much easier with a baby.
*I was sent this product free of charge in exchange for my honest opinion and review. All words are my own. Contains affiliate links.