Grandma “Life doesn’t get any better than watching your grandchild jumping in puddles and kicking leaves”.
Ella’s Kitchen snacks
We recently picked up a large selection of the new Ella’s Kitchen 1+ toddler snacks from Tesco. To our delight they were half price! I don’t normally buy so many toddler treats for Lamb but at such low prices I bought one of everything they had!
Lamb is a seriously fussy eater. He’s the worst he’s ever been. I literally don’t know what to do anymore. To make sure he eats something I have to offer things like bread sticks and cheese straws. I was so happy to see toddler snacks with healthy ingredients. Lamb is snacking like he wants to, and I don’t feel so bad for letting him.
He’s been a fussy eater for a year now. My goal is to have him eating everything by next Christmas. I think 2 years of coping with a fussy eater is enough right? No one should cope with any longer. It’s too stressful.
Lamb seemed to really like the new snacks by Ella’s Kitchen. We have always been a fan of their products, but it’s been a while since I bought something from them. I particularly like the multigrain nibbles as they look like cereal. Lamb is obsessed with cereal so he loves the new nibbles! They also come in sweet and savoury flavours, which means they can be used for treats as well as snacks.
The cracker bites are really useful as they come in individual bags, so are perfect for days out and snacks for Lambs lunchbox. They also have multigrain wheels and stick (so basically toddler crisps) which, again, is adeall for Lamb and his fussy eating.
Have you tried the Ella’s Kitchen new 1+ snack range? We tried a selection, there is more available, but what we did try definitely gets a thumbs up from Lamb & Bear!
Alex x
Oops… Another H&M baby haul!
As it was my birthday on Tuesday, I decided to go for a stroll through town and try to spend my birthday money because it normally goes in my purse and disappears on pointless purchases. However, I made the mistake of walking through H&M, getting into the lift, and going to the children’s department. I didn’t mean to, it was an accident, I promise! 😉
To no surprise, I bought a few bits for Lamb. Can you blame me? My local H&M has recently doubled in size, added a massive children’s department (and maternity – only 2 years too late!), and stocks so much lovely product!
Here is what I have added to Lambs 18-24 month wardrobe (I still can’t believe he’s 18 months – but I do love this age).
Of course, as soon as I saw this, I knew I would buy it. Dinosaurs rock.
Another obvious choice. Printed trousers. I’m obsessed. And these have superhero masks on them?! Who doesn’t love a superhero?
I love this vest. The quality is amazing, and I love the detailing. This will go perfectly with the stuff I picked up from Zara recently. It’s quite big for an 18-24 month size, so he probably won’t wear it for a few months. You can see what I got from Zara here.
Finally, we have Lambs new hat & mittens. He had these last winter which had racoons on them, this time it’s penguins – just as cute. He looked adorable in them last year, and baby bear even had the girls set (I’m secretly hoping mummy bear buys the girls set again this year so they can match!)
The stuff from H&M is such amazing value, and lasts forever. I’ve never had any problems with their clothing and will continue to shop there throughout Lambs toddler years.
You can see my last H&M baby boy haul here.
What do you think of the stuff I got? Do you also shop in H&M? I’d love to see what gems you’ve found in there recently.
Alex xx
Dear Lamb… You’re 18 months old!
My little lamb, oh how you’ve grown.
18 months old, where did the time go?
You can walk, you can talk, you can run,
You dance, you prance, you have fun.
Everyday you learn something new,
You now call a train a “choo choo!”
Although at times you can be shy,
No matter what, you wave goodbye.
You’ve turned our lives upside down,
You make us smile, you make us frown,
Most of all you make us proud,
We can’t image you not being around.
My little lamb, my big boy.
Every single day you bring us joy.
Love Mummy and Daddy xx
Baby boy haul – H&M
Well I did it again. I shopped for boys clothes. I don’t have a shopping problem, I promise. I don’t think I do anyway. Ah well, I didn’t spend much and I love what I got!
The H&M in our town has had a massive refurb. They now have an upstairs!! A month or so ago, they rearranged the downstairs and literally chopped the childrenswear department in half! Mostly the boys stuff. Yes, I was fuming, but to my surprise, the part they chopped away was being used for a new set of stairs, which lead up to the most amazing childrenswear department! Yipeeeee! (So glad I didn’t complain to head office now).
I could have bought everything. It was so nice to actually have a decent boys section in H&M for once. I didn’t buy everything. I only bought 3 things, but I love them so thought I’d share with you! I’m going to write a wish list of boys clothes too, so look out for that in the next few days if you like what I buy for Lamb.
H&M are currently doing an amazing promotion on tops/vests and trousers. Certain styles have a big, yellow label attached to tell you they are part of the offer. Both a top and bottom for £7.99! This actually only saves you £1.99, but that price is too good to miss! There was plenty to choose from, in both the baby and older boys sections. Luckily I can buy 18-24 months in the baby section, or 1.5-2 years in the boys section, giving me even more to choose from! It’s only recently I realised I could do this, so make sure you look in the older department if you little one is over 1! Make the most of the extra choice!
If you read my last baby boy haul post, you’ll know I have a little obsession with printed trousers for Lamb. I’m always on the lookout for them. I found these yesterday and I love them. Lamb has a similar pair I bought a few months ago that are black and grey zebra print. In fact, I really wish I had bought them in the next size so he could carry on wearing them! For £5.99 they are an absolute bargain! I really wish they offered more prints, I would buy them all!
Hope you like my choices. Where is your fave place to buy baby clothes?
Alex xx