We recently put our house on the market so I thought a little post on ways to freshen up your home for viewings would be useful.
Our home isn’t huge and can look quite cluttered, so we’ve had to do a lot of ruthless decluttering to help each room look more appealing to potential buyers.
First of all we cleaned our living room carpet. Having 2 young kids and the fact the living room is next to the front door, means it’s easily marked when people walk in with their shoes on, plus the boys spilling their juice etc.
My dad owns a rug doctor and came over to clean the carpet before lockdown, and it transformed the look of the carpet! I highly recommend hiring one to clean your carpets whether you’re selling your house or not.
The next thing we did was add a bit of colour to the walls. The living room and bathroom both got a freshen up in a dark blue colour and I couldn’t be happier. Especially the bathroom. I don’t know why we didn’t paint it sooner! I also added some fake succulents in the window and corner of the bath, which really help with the overall look of the room.
We also painted our front door. The dark brown wood was beginning to look a little dull so we bought some universal all surface paint from Amazon and painted it light grey. It made such a difference!
Next we added a variety of cushions to the sofa and our bed. This adds a little depth to the room and looks more inviting and comfy. I find candles also add a sense of ‘home’ to the room so we have them around our fireplace, kitchen window and bathroom window.
So far we’ve had 2 viewings which have both had a positive response. No offers just yet but both families really loved our house, which is great. We absolutely love our house, but we’ve outgrown it. Well we outgrew it 4 years ago when Bear was born, but we’ve managed until now. The boys are getting to ages where they go to bed separately, and really need their own space to relax in.
Bedtimes are stressful for us. If it’s not one, it’s the other constantly calling us. We’re hoping if they have their own room, bedtime will be much calmer and easier to deal with.
Since putting the house on the market I seemed to have turned into Mrs Hinch… constantly cleaning! And you know what? I’m really enjoying it. That for sale sign outside means I’m keeping on top of the housework for the first time in my life!
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