This year I was asked to be a Medela Mum and work with Medela throughout my feeding journey. Of course I said yes. I spent 4 1/2 months expressing milk for Lamb as he struggled to latch and it was much easier for both of us to feed him breast milk in a bottle.
The reason he couldn’t latch will probably mean baby number 2 won’t be able to latch either (or at least I’m preparing myself for this!) Unfortunately I don’t have big enough nipples! Sorry for TMI.
However you choose to feed your baby isn’t an issue, it’s that you are feeding your baby and that you’re both happy and healthy thats important.
I will try my hardest to breastfeed baby number 2. I’m more experienced this time, I know to use shields if he’s struggling and I can inform the midwives straight away that we may struggle with our feeding journey. Having said that, I will be taking my pump to the hospital with me in case I stay in overnight and need to express to feed baby.
A little bit about the app…
MyMedela which is compatible with Android and IOS devices has been specially designed to support every mum’s individual feeding journey offering a truly unique tracking service for breastfeeding and pumping sessions, as well as baby’s key activities. Supporting mums further the new app also provides relevant expert advice, information and top tips, personalised at every step. It is compatible with Android and IOS devices and is free to download from the app store.
I’ve had a little try on the app and it looks really good. Obviously I won’t be using it properly until baby number 2 is here, but from what I can see it’s going to be really helpful. One thing I like about it is you can input whether you’re solely breastfeeding, combi feeding or solely expressing. This is perfect for me as I expressed milk for Lamb, and I will definitely want to express second time round, even if it’s just once a day so daddy can feed him and give me a little break.
I’ll update you once I’ve used it for a few weeks with my thoughts and opinions.
Looks good. I only bottle fed my two.
Not sure if I would use the app for just recording the feeds. I used the sma app with my first which basically had other things like sleep record.
Ooh I have tiny nips too haha! I didn’t know you could get an app like this, there are apps for everything these days! I had a lot of difficulties breastfeeding my first baby but it was totally different second time round x
That looks like a great idea, with baby brain setting in it is great to be able to write things down quick and easily!
I used to use something similar to track feeds when my little man was smaller. It looks great!
I’ve seen it! Its great, such a fab idea and I love the way that you can adapt it to your feeding routine. I’m a medela mum too 🙂 H x
I wish they had this app when my little girl was born. I managed to breastfeed for just 2 weeks and think that this may have helped me get through the tough times. X
I’ve not heard of this app but will have to look into it! Looks interesting!
Such a clever idea to utilise social media in this way! Love the concept of keeping a record of feeding somewhere as handy as your phone x
I would have found this so useful when I was breastfeeding, unfortunately my youngest is now 4 and I haven’t breastfed for 2 years now!
Em xXx