Hey guys!
The leaves are changing, the weather has turned, we can bust out the boots and cozy sweaters, retiring away those dreaded flip flops and sunglasses; it’s Autumn!
It’s officially my favourite time of year. Autumn brings about this change in me, where I just want to grab my loved ones and hibernate in my home, does anyone else feel this way? Spending my time finishing puzzles, cooking up stews, lounging under a big fluffy blanket, and of course baking some special treats! Which brings me to our newest review; Nadiya’s Deluxe Baking Set.
I’m guessing all of you can recognise this lovely lady, but for those that may need a refresher on who this person is; Nadiya Hussain is an author, tv presenter and chef who won the heart of the nation following her stint of Bake Off, (do I really have to explain how amazing GBBO is?)
In recent years she has used her voice to write a book for children which blends versions of fairy tales we all know, with a baking twist – Bake Me a Story, Bake Me a Festive Story, and Bake Me a Celebration Story. These updated works may be her inspiration on this new product which we at Lamb and Bear have been eager to receive!
So let’s get to it! This bakeware set features a silicone rolling pin with plastic handle, a silicone whisk with metal handle, a silicone spatula, 2.5l mixing bowl (microwave safe), 12 reusable silicone cupcake cases, a sieve, 3 metal cookie cutters with safe silicone edge, measuring spoons, little apron and six of Nadiya’s favourite recipes for kids!
Woah that’s a long list – it’s basically everything you need in one handy box!
I love to bake and would do it a lot more if time wasn’t an issue, but I’m also a very neurotic chef; I like to be the only one in the kitchen and hate mess, so it’s very rare that I allow the kiddos into my den.
In this instance I let the kids take charge, (picture me hands over eyes, trying to peek through). The great thing about this set though, is that it has all you need at a foundation level, from start to finish, so I don’t have them bickering to find the tools they need, smashing through cupboards and chaos erupting! The recipe cards from her story book are super easy to follow and also feature one of my absolute favourite things to make as a kid, so that a sense of nostalgia was overwhelming – Rock Cakes!
What I love most about this range is the quality. It looks so professional and feels expensive, better than some of my own tools and products which I’ve accumulated from different brands.
The bright colours look classy, they aren’t flimsy, and they enhanced my children’s experience; they felt like proper chefs with their special tools and apron, it wasn’t just pretend for them! (By the way I will be stealing some of these bits kids:) in exchange for your yummy treats you create of course!)
You can get your hands on this fab kit from Smyths for £24.99. If you want something a little smaller, then you could try her Simple Baking Kit for £9.99, or what about her Savoury Cooking Set for £14.99.
Now off to clean up!
Stevie x
* We were sent this product free of charge for the purpose of this review. All words and opinions are honest and our own.
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