Doves latest #ChooseBeautiful campaign looks at how women all over the world perceive themselves.
2 doors, 1 choice. Average or beautiful?
Take a look at Doves #ChooseBeautiful campaign video and ask yourself ‘what would you choose?’
LONDON, 07 APRIL 2015: – A staggering 96% of women do not choose the word ‘beautiful’ to describe how they look.
I was shocked to see how many girls and women walked through the average door. What makes them believe they are ‘average’? I hate that word being used to describe a person. It’s a word to describe numbers, not people.
I was particularly touched by the mum pushing her daughter through the beautiful door after she attempted to walk through the average door.
As a parent it would pain me to think my child would describe themselves as average. No child of mine will be average, they will be beautiful if their own unique way.
Watching the mother and daughter made me think of my relationship with my mum. What door would she choose? I’d hope she’d choose the beautiful door, but if she doesn’t I’ll be dragging her through it with me!
My mum has always taught me looks aren’t everything, beauty comes from within, but society today concentrates too much on looks and not enough on kindness and love.
Ali Fisher, Dove Marketing Manager UK & Ireland says: “Our new Choose Beautiful film urges women to embrace this choice, and inwardly challenge our tendency to not ‘choose beautiful’ because when we do it unlocks happiness and confidence that impacts women’s self-esteem.”
“While we were filming, it was so clear that the women who chose to feel beautiful shined with a positive, empowered outlook,” said Paul Dektor, Film Director of Dove Choose Beautiful. “We all have the personal and powerful ability to rise above others’ points of view, social media, and pop culture, and I hope the Dove Choose Beautiful film inspires women around the world to reconsider how they view their own beauty.”
My mum has taught me to choose beautiful.
What would you choose?
Alex x
Lovely post Ive read a few posts about this campaign and I’ve got to say I love the idea but i know before i would of gone through average which is sad to say since reading these and watching the video I think i’d choose beautiful I want my girls to grow up feeling confident in their own skin to me they are the most beautiful things in the world! #sundaystars
You’re response is exactly why I signed up to promote this campaign. Beauty is more than what you see in a mirror. It’s embedded in your children, friends, family. Being beautiful is more than an appearance xx
I totally agree, everyone should Choose Beautiful and feel good about it! Life’s too short to be average, and we all have beauty within us. I also did a post of this Dove campaign, please take a look…
Thanks for sharing #sundaystars xx
Absolutely, life is way too short to feel average. Oh great, I’ll take a look 🙂 xx
This is such a great campaign.
The trouble is though, like someone else said it’s so hard to see yourself as beautiful nowadays.
My daughter is beautiful, but I wouldn’t call myself it.
The part when the mum pushed the daughter through made me tear up a bit.
It’s so sad that others see people as beautiful, but they cannot see it themselves.
Sarah xx
What a shame to hear 🙁 For me, as a mother, I see my beauty through my child. The beauty I see in Lamb has ultimately been created by me. That’s why I would walk through the beautiful door. Hopefully this campaign will open up eyes to what is beautiful on the inside and not what is seen in a mirror. Thanks for commenting xx
What a wonderful photo of you and your Mum and a great post. I think we’re hardwired not to act like we’re egotistical or cocky, but it’s gone too far in that were afraid of speaking good of ourselves and those who do are frowned upon.
I like this campaign because we all have beauty in us and it’s time for a change in attitude so that embracing your personal beauty isn’t a negative thing to do xx
Thanks hun 🙂 I think this is a great campaign, extremely confidence boosting in my eyes. xx
nrilliant post lovey, unfortunately as much as people try to get in there heads that they’re beautiful, it doesn’t seem to work. That is coming from a person that looks in the mirror and sees ugly and disgusting. I tweeted yesterday, saying that by now I should know that beauty comes from within but I don’t see that when I look in the mirror. You and your mum are stunning 🙂
Thank you. Sorry to hear that’s how you feel honey, it’s absolutely not true though! xx