Doves latest #ChooseBeautiful campaign looks at how women all over the world perceive themselves.
2 doors, 1 choice. Average or beautiful?
Take a look at Doves #ChooseBeautiful campaign video and ask yourself ‘what would you choose?’
LONDON, 07 APRIL 2015: – A staggering 96% of women do not choose the word ‘beautiful’ to describe how they look.
I was shocked to see how many girls and women walked through the average door. What makes them believe they are ‘average’? I hate that word being used to describe a person. It’s a word to describe numbers, not people.
I was particularly touched by the mum pushing her daughter through the beautiful door after she attempted to walk through the average door.
As a parent it would pain me to think my child would describe themselves as average. No child of mine will be average, they will be beautiful if their own unique way.
Watching the mother and daughter made me think of my relationship with my mum. What door would she choose? I’d hope she’d choose the beautiful door, but if she doesn’t I’ll be dragging her through it with me!
My mum has always taught me looks aren’t everything, beauty comes from within, but society today concentrates too much on looks and not enough on kindness and love.
Ali Fisher, Dove Marketing Manager UK & Ireland says: “Our new Choose Beautiful film urges women to embrace this choice, and inwardly challenge our tendency to not ‘choose beautiful’ because when we do it unlocks happiness and confidence that impacts women’s self-esteem.”
“While we were filming, it was so clear that the women who chose to feel beautiful shined with a positive, empowered outlook,” said Paul Dektor, Film Director of Dove Choose Beautiful. “We all have the personal and powerful ability to rise above others’ points of view, social media, and pop culture, and I hope the Dove Choose Beautiful film inspires women around the world to reconsider how they view their own beauty.”
My mum has taught me to choose beautiful.
What would you choose?
Alex x