I was so glad to hear about the new Virtual Colic Clinic launched by Infacol. “Colic affects 1 in 4 babies”, and often causes crying fits lasting 3 hours or more. So you can image how difficult this must be for first time parents, who have no understanding about colic and the sympoms to look out for. Dealing with colic is scary, trust me, I was one of those parents.
www.colichelp.co.uk offers parents the opportunity to get 24/7 support on colic at the click of a button. It can be accessed via smartphones, tablets or computers, so is available wherever you might be.
With the help of Midwife Nikki Khan, the website works by offering parents the choice of 50 most commonly asked questions regarding colic, to help them decide if their baby is suffering with it. Alternatively they can type their own question, which provides them with an instant video answer from Nikki.
If you have any concerns regarding colic, www.colichelp.co.uk will give you the answers you need, but if you are still unsure, make sure you contact your midwife or GP.
Our Story
Colic is one of those words you hear a lot as a new mum. I remember my midwife recommending I had Infacol at home ready for when the baby arrived, just in case. But, although I heard the word every now and then, I actually had no idea what colic was, and what to expect from it. Because of this, when Jaxson started suffering with it, I had no idea he had colic.
Jaxson didn’t breast-feed naturally (to my disappointment), so I expressed and fed him my milk in a bottle. He was an extremely hungry baby, and guzzled the milk. He spat up a lot, and had a lot of wind. At about 8 weeks I had the worst experience since becoming a mum. His first colic cry.
Jaxsons dad works nights, and was at work on this particular night, but luckily for me I was staying at his parents house. I had noticed Jaxson was a little more grizzly than normal (and had been for the past couple of weeks). He hated going down for a nap, and was only happy when someone was holding him. What had happened to my happy little newborn? Well, this night was the start of our colic experience. I had never seen a baby in so much pain. It was so, so scary. Jaxson had fear in his eyes. Thats the only way I can describe it. There was mass panic in the house. His grandparents and I were all crying. None of us knew what to do. His Grandad took him off me and tried bathing him to cheer him up, and to give me time to compose myself. After about an hour of screaming, Jaxson finally settled down with a bottle. The rest of the evening is a bit of a blur. I think I got him to sleep fairly quickly after his feed.
The next morning I called our Doctor. I had spent the night researching and was sure he had reflux. After a conversation with the Doctor, she advised me to try Infacol before each feed. She said, although he had symptoms of reflux, it’s very difficult to diagnose a baby under the age of 12 weeks. So, we tried Infacol, and the results were amazing. He was a different baby. Smiling, happy, and most importantly, napping! Literally from the moment we gave him the drops, we saw an improvement.
Jaxson was given Infacol until he was 6 months old. Again, because there wasn’t a lot of information about colic given to us, we didn’t know when we should stop giving it to him. Luckily, we mentioned to someone at our local health clinic he was still having Infacol, and she advised us to wean him off it now that he was 6 months old. We had actually tried a couple of times during the months before, to wean him off the drops, but it would always result in a colic cry. So 6 months was the right age for Jaxson to be weaned off.
If your baby has colic, or you are concerned they may get colic, don’t worry. It is extremely common in babies, and with the right advise and help, colic can be controlled. Thanks to Infacol, parents now have the opportunity to learn everything they need to know from their Virtual Colic Clinic.
I hope you have found this helpful. Writing about something so close to home, knowing we may help other parents, is what Lamb & Bear wants to achieve.
Alex x
Thank you Infacol for my lovely goodie bag of yummy treats, which made writing this post that little bit more enjoyable! 🙂 xx
[…] 1. Our most used product in the first 6 months was Infacol. As new parents, Joe and I had no idea about colic. Well, that’s not true, our midwife told us to have some in the house ready, as colic is common in newborns. However, we didn’t really know what to expect if our baby had colic. It took a few weeks of a very distressed and unhappy baby for us to realise he needed the medicine. As soon as we gave it to him he instantly changed. The smiles were back! You can read more about our experience with colic here. […]