Since Little Lamb was born I’ve developed an obsession with prams. I’m on my third and he’s only 13 months old! Perhaps the addiction runs in the family, I remember my mum telling me she was constantly changing hers when I was a baby. I must add, I haven’t changed prams because the previous one is bad, I just get bored and like to try new ones! Maybe I am a little obsessed…
So right now I’m using a Quinny Zapp Xtra
, and I love it. Its extremely light weight, easy to maneuver (even one handed) and looks very stylish! What’s great about the Zapp Xtra is it can be both world and parent facing. It reclines to a number of positions, and has an extra large hood (which is one thing I definitely look for when choosing a pram). This pram is suitable from the age of 6 months, until around 15kg (approx 3 years). However, it is possible to use this pram from birth, by buying the Maxi-Cosi adaptors and attatching the Maxi-Cosi Pebble car seat
. If you really want to push the boat out, make sure you get yourself the Maxi-Cosi FamilyFix isofix
base, to make getting the seat from the car to the pram a million times quicker (no one enjoys fighting with those pesky seat belts).
I’m a huge fan of 3 wheeled prams. I find them much easier to maneuver around shops (and legs!) So if you’re city chic and spend a lot of time in busy areas, or like me shopping (yes, I mean window shopping), then I strongly advise you try a 3 wheeler. For traveling long distances, the Zapp Xtra frame folds up the smallest i’ve seen any pram fold. It then sits neatly in the seat base, and for storage or plane journeys, and will fit nicely in this travel bag. Making traveling with an infant that little bit less stressful (if that’s at all possible!)
There are 3 things that might bother you about the Zapp Xtra and they are:
- It doesn’t fold up in one (you remove the base, then fold the frame). However Quinny have just introduced, to my delight, the Quinny Zapp Xtra2
, which folds in one. Yippee! I’m refraining myself from ordering one…
- The handle bars are not adjustable. For me this isn’t a problem, but if you’re a 6ft 6 body builder, its probably not going to be the easiest thing to push around busy areas. I, however, am not 6ft 6, so find the Zapp Xtra the perfect height 🙂
- Finally, the storage basket underneath isn’t huge. This isn’t a problem for me. Actually prevents me spending too much money! So might work out as a positive for a lot of you 😉
I wanted to give an honest review. Which is why I have mentioned the points above. Not every pram is suitable for every family. But this is definitely suitable for us.
Click here for more information on the Quinny Zapp Xtra.
Alex x
The Quinny Zapp Xtra gets a thumbs up from Little Lamb! x
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