Ok, so I’m finally writing about my hen party. It was so much fun albeit a little cringe, but I loved it and have some fab photos to share. Red7 had a recent competition looking for the funniest hen party photos, and there were some hilarious entries, you can see them here.
My hen party was organised by two of my bridesmaids, Vicky and Justine. My third bridesmaid, Alice, was living in Australia at the time so could only help over email etc.
I knew absolutely nothing about the plans; destination, activities, where we were staying, nothing. That was until a friend slipped up about the destination. Oops.
No big deal, I love Brighton!
Fast forward to arriving in Brighton. A huge 3 storey town house. Girls you did good!
Friday night consisted of pizza eating, wine drinking, game playing, and more. Lots of girl chat, and chilling in face packs. Nothing too crazy. Oh, apart from the piñata. I won’t say what shape it was, I’ll let the photos do the talking!
After a yummy breakfast of croissants and crumpets (very sophisticated 😉 ) I was sent out for the morning with the girls. Vicky and Justine stayed behind… hmmmm suspicious.
We did a bit of shopping and stopped for a coffee until we were allowed to return to the house.
The girls had covered the house in Las Vegas themed decorations. Their reason? I wanted to get married in Vegas, but decided it wasn’t fair on our families to miss out. We then decided we would go on a honeymoon to Vegas, but with Daddy Lamb being made redundant we knew this wouldn’t happen. So my girls brought Vegas to me! I can’t believe how perfect this was.
As well as the Vegas decorations, the girls also made bunting out of photos of me with my friends and hubby to be. They were everywhere. Amazing. And also embarrassing. There were some old photos.
The girls had prepared the most amazing lunch, my fave, lasagne. Or so I thought. Turns out, while we were off shopping and drinking skinny cappuccinos, a hired chef came to the house to prepare lunch. Yes, a chef! How special is that?!
After lunch the hen party games began, starting with Mr & Mrs questions. It was hilarious. Vicky had managed to film Joe answering his questions so we all got to watch him on video giving us some rather embarrassing and hilarious answers! Unfortunately he didn’t take the game too seriously, and made a lot of the answers up (which I won’t repeat). The rules were simple. If I didn’t guess what he was going to answer, I had to do a shot. Lets just say the little plastic shot glasses were piling up in front of me!
Next up was toilet paper bride. 3 bridesmaids, 3 teams, 1 judge. I highly recommend this game if you’re organising a hen party, so much fun. It seems I have rather competitive friends who took the designing and manufacturing of these dresses rather seriously. I suppose as the judge is a fashion designer they wanted to dress to impress!
Now it was time to glam up. I had no idea what we were doing in the evening, all I knew was to bring a sequin outfit! So I found myself the most amazing multicoloured sequin skirt and top from H&M. I was lucky to get it as it sold out pretty quickly.
How amazing did my girls look…
So it’s time to find out the evening plans…
The Adonis Cabaret Show! Whoop whoop!! 😉
I was so excited, i’ve seen the Dreamboys show in London and it was such a good night out for a hen party. My girls know me well and knew I’d enjoy some hunky men dancing around in pants!
However, I was physically shaking with nerves. I was the hen. Therefore I was the prime target for the hunks to pull someone on stage. And guess what happened… I’ll show you…
Yes. My hen challenge was to give a 21 year old trainee stripper a lap dance. The rules: you must straddle. Unfortunately I had a very tight pencil skirt on and really struggled to straddle him! It was so cringe. But looking at these photos I think I pulled it off! 😉
We gave ourselves a no shot rule before going out. A few of us can’t handle shots very well (not naming any names… Lucy 😉 ) This didn’t last long…
Justine and Vicky really put so much thought into every last detail and if I’m honest I was a little overwhelmed. I’m not used to this sort of attention. I’ve never really had birthday parties etc, so having a group of girls put so much effort into something dedicated to me is hard to get your head around. I love these girls so much and am so grateful for my perfect hen weekend.
Alex x