Here I am, 4 months after giving birth. With the post baby weight on in full swing. (This photo is so cringe).
When I fell pregnant I weighed 10 stone. A few weeks after labour I weighed 12 1/2 stone. Ouch. But I had a trick up my sleeve. And that trick is called Weight Watchers.
The year before I fell pregnant I attended Weight Watchers classes with my mum. We both suffer with an under-active thyroid, so struggle with our weight and have to work hard at maintaining it. When I was a teenager I was naturally thin. I’ve always had a tiny waist and flat stomach (but big hips & pear shaped). My mum would warn me as I approached my late teens to watch what I was eating, but of course, I was a stubborn teenager and didn’t listen. Next thing I knew I was gaining weight, and quickly. I went to the doctors to find out why. I told them about my mums thyroid problem, but they said it wasn’t hereditary (I don’t believe this at all). They tested me anyway, and unfortunately I was diagnosed with the same problem. I was extremely relieved to have a reason for my weight gain, but was obviously worried that I would have this illness for the rest of my life. I take medication to keep my thyroxine levels normal, which helps steady my weight, not completely, but helps.
I remember the first time I reached my goal weight with Weight Watchers, I was so proud. I looked like me again! So when I fell pregnant a year later, I actually wasn’t that worried about gaining weight! I knew whatever weight I gained after pregnancy, I would lose with the same eating plan. And yes, I have done it!
There are plenty of diets out there, but Weight Watchers is what works for me. I don’t have the most varied palette, but I wouldn’t say I’m fussy. I’m definitely a creature of habit when it comes to eating. I tend to have the same meal a couple of times a week, mostly for convenience.
So how did I do it?
Planning, planning and more planning. It’s as simple as that. I planned my meals everyday so I knew how many points I was eating. The point system often puts people off trying Weight Watchers, they think it’s too complicated and hard work. Well yes, it takes a little time to get used to eating by numbers, but if you’re not willing to try, then maybe you’re not 100% committed to losing the weight? You definitely shouldn’t start something like Weight Watchers, unless you are ready to stick to the new eating plan. If you cut corners, it simply doesn’t work.
Planning is the most important part of weight loss, that, and cutting out fat and sugar! Seriously, just swap your Coke to Diet Coke, and semi-skimmed milk to skimmed milk, and you are already on your way to losing weight. (Helps if you’re slightly addicted to Diet Coke like Vicky and I). Buy extra lean meat and reduced fat products and you really will notice a difference.
A typical day: examples
- Omelette (2 eggs plus one extra white) with mushrooms, ham, and 50% reduced fat cheddar.
- Grilled bacon medalions, reduced fat sausages, poached eggs, grilled mushrooms and low calorie bread.
- Fat free yoghurt and fruit.
- Ham & cheese sandwich (wafer thin ham, 50% reduced fat cheddar, low calorie bread).
- Salad with grilled chicken and low fat dressing.
- Jacket potato (small) with low fat cottage cheese and wafer thin ham.
- Spaghetti Bolognese (Weight Watchers recipe) with brown pasta.
- Roast Dinner – grilled chicken, 4 small new potatoes and plenty of veggies.
- Thai green curry using low fat coconut milk and thai paste.
There’s light at the end of the tunnel
After having a baby it can be really easy to settle into your daily routine that totally excludes yourself. I’m guilty of this. My other half constantly has to remind me to eat breakfast and even drink a glass of water! You end up snacking around nappy changes and rarely finish a decent meal. But once you get going, it’s really easy to fit your diet around your busy schedule, with a bit of planning. Use your evenings to plan what you will eat the next day. If your baby is eating solids, you can plan meals that you can both eat together.
It took me 4 months to lose 2 1/2 stone and get to my pre-baby weight. And that is with no exercise (other than running around after Lamb of course). With a combination of meal planning, exercise, and mummy duties, you can absolutely lose that bit of added weight from having a baby. I’m proof of that!

My goal was to wear a fitted wedding dress! 7 months after writing this post and here I am in my dream dress!
Good luck and please comment if you found this inspiring!
Alex xx