Christmas is my favourite celebration. I’m such a big kid when it comes to this time of year. The lights, the movies, the food! It’s just so magical. Everyone is merry and bright (well, most of the time).
The lovely Donna over at What The Redhead Said has tagged me in the Christmas tag, where I need to answer the following christmassy questions. Make sure you head over to her blog to read her answers.
Here goes…
What’s your favourite Christmas movie?
Oh that’s a tough one. I love Elf (I mean, who doesn’t). When he gets hit by the cab gets me every time.
Have you ever had a white Christmas?
I cant remember ever having one while I’ve lived in Essex (which has been for the last 20 years!) But I must of surely?
Where do you usually spend your holiday?
Since having kids we’ve always spent Christmas Day at my in-laws. It’s just the easiest place to be as they have a room set up for us and the kids. We don’t need to take anything. We always make sure we see my dad in the morning, or as close to the big day as possible.
What’s your favourite Christmas song?
I’m a big Elton fan so I love Step Into Christmas. I love all the classics like Slade and Mariah. One of the less known songs I adore is Mariah’s version of O Holy Night. Its my mums favourite Christmas song and it’s beautiful.
Do you open any presents on Christmas eve?
Absolutely not. Santa doesn’t deliver until everyone is tucked up in their beds.
Can you name all of Santa’s reindeer?
Nah. Donner, Blitzen, Cupid, Prancer, Dasher, Rudolf (obvs). That’s all I can remember.
What holiday traditions are you looking forward to this year?
I always used to watch Father Christmas (you know, another blooming’ Christmas) with my brothers on Christmas Eve night. I try to continue that tradition with my boys.
Is your Christmas tree real or fake?
Fake and pre-lit. Nobody needs to be fighting with getting lights onto the tree! I do love the smell of a real tree though.
What’s your favourite holiday food/treat/sweet?
Pigs in blankets. DELISH. I don’t like traditional Christmas desserts like pud or mince pies.
Be honest. Do you prefer giving or receiving gifts?
Both. I am stupidly generous sometimes and I have to stop myself. But if I don’t get decent presents under the tree I feel a tad disappointed. Like I said, I’m like a big kid.
What’s the best Christmas present you ever received?
Oh errrr… my in-laws bought us a Miele washing machine last year! We were desperate and it’s amazing.
What’s your dream place to visit for the holiday season?
I’d love to go back to New York. I’ve been twice but in March so missed the Christamssy stuff.
Are you a pro present wrapper or do you fail miserably?
PRO. Although not a pro as I’d like to be. I just don’t have time to add the extras.
What’s your most memorable Christmas memory?
I don’t have many memories of my childhood. Moving to Essex where I was 10 was a bit traumatic so it’s kinda wiped my memory. But I have a couple of memories I cherish.
The first is receiving a Santa letter and the feeling of truly believing it was from him. I couldn’t believe he knew the names of my friends and family! I also got a couple of sticker books from him that I really wanted and was completely blown away.
A funny memory for you. I woke up on Christmas Eve thinking it was the morning. I tip toed downstairs and could hear my parents watching TV. This was when I realised it wasn’t the morning yet! Knowing I’d get in trouble when my dad opened the door I pretended I was coming to tell him I was really cold and couldn’t sleep. And got away with it. HA.
What made you realise the truth about Christmas?
I literally have no idea when I found out he wasn’t real. No memory of it at all.
What makes the holidays special for you?
Simple. The overall happiness from every single person I spend time with. Sounds cliche but it’s true. I just love how this time of year makes everyone so joyful.
I’m tagging the following lovely bloggers to take part in the Christmas tag:
Julie @ Pondering Parenthood
Kate @ Family Fever
Lucy @ Mrs Hs Favourite Things
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