What can I say… The famous Jumperoo was a lifesaver for me.
I decided to grab one of theses after realising most of the mums I knew had one. Now I know why.
Lamb has always loved standing up. Literally from birth he’s had super strong legs. He suffered with colic pretty bad, so hated laying down for too long. Even at our baby massage group, I had to massage him with one hand while holding him up with the other. Not easy. And tummy time was never fun. He would scream and cry, maybe because of the trapped wind. So as he got older, and wasn’t sleeping as much during the day, I was getting desperate to free my hands again. Especially once he had outgrown his swing. Enter the Jumperoo.
He loved it. And I loved being able to eat my lunch in peace, or nip to the loo knowing he was ok for 5 minutes.
I think Lamb was around 4 months when we first tried him in the Jumperoo. He was a little too short but we popped him in every now and then to get used to it. Once he could just about reach the floor we sometimes popped a cushion under his feet to help him bounce.
My one bit of advice is this. Don’t leave your baby in the Jumperoo for too long. Tummy time is extremely important. Rolling and crawling are a key part of a baby’s development, so give them plenty of floor time throughout the day.
And when they are fed up and want a bit of entertainment, the Jumperoo is the perfect product to get those little legs bouncing and kicking.
The Jumperoo is a must have. It’s pretty big, and doesn’t hide away very easily, so keep that in mind if you’re planning to buy.
You can buy the Jumperoo here.
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