Today is Lambs first day at nursery. He’s not there for a full day, next week he will be there 9-5, today is a settling in day and we left him from 9 am until 2 pm, (his first time being left alone with the lovely ladies there). He’s only going one day a week, and we can actually manage without sending him at all, but Jaxson is a very sociable baby, he loves being with other children and has so much fun at baby groups. If you have read my posts on weaning, you will know I am really struggling to get him to eat. So we are hoping a day at nursery watching the little ones munch on some yummy food, will inspire him to have a taste. I really have everything crossed this happens!
This morning was a bit of a panic. It’s my fault, Daddy Lamb did tell me to pack Jaxsons bag last night, but I was too busy blogging and silly enough to think I’d have time this morning… oops. So I thought it might be useful to all you new mums who might be putting your little ones into nursery, to write a little checklist of what I put in his changing bag, so you can avoid an early morning panic like mine!
I decided to use our black Boots changing bag to send him to nursery with. This bag if free to anyone who signs up to the boots parenting club, and trust me, it’s a really useful bag to have! And free! It’s smaller than most changing bags, but still fits a lot inside, so for a baby Jaxsons age (who doesn’t need as much stuff), it’s the perfect size. Plus when Daddy Lamb picks him up, he can carry this ‘manly’ bag, rather than my Yummy Mummy
So here is what I put in his bag…
1. Wipes. The nursery provides them, but I always like to keep some in his bag just in case.
2. Nappies. Lots of nappies. In fact, the nursery have a changing tray for each child, so ask you to keep plenty there so you don’t have to worry.
3. Nappy cream. For those delicate little bums.
4. Teething Granules. Nelsons Teethas are amazing. They really work.
5. Calpol. Just in case your little one gets a temperature or is feeling a little under the weather.
6. Bonjela. For those nasty toothies.
7. Lots of spare clothes. You never know how messy those little monsters will get. Paint. Mud. Food. I could go on.
8. Bibs & Socks
. Again, you never know how many they will need of these.
9. Comforter. The chances are, your little one will get a bit sad when you leave, and may be a bit unsure of their surroundings. Make sure they have their fave toy to cheer them up. Lamb loves his doggy.
10. Sun Lotion. I actually didn’t put this in his bag, because the nursery provides it. Check with your nursery, in case you need to pop some in the changing bag.
Well, that’s everything. Have I missed anything? (I usually do!)
Alex x