Hi everyone! I’ve reached a very important and difficult decision for the wedding, and I would like your advice. Lamb’s outfit!
I’ve been shopping around and scouring the net and I’ve shortlisted a few outfits I really like. I would be extremely grateful if you would comment below with your preference and why, to help me make my decision.
Here’s a little reminder of my beautiful, blue eyed boy….
Lamb’s outfit needs to look good with the Bridesmaid dresses. I want him to have a little colour, but nothing that will clash. Here is a hint of what the Bridesmaids will be wearing…
Outfit 1
This suit is from Next. It retails between £33-£36 (depending on age) for the whole outfit. I love the colour and I know it doesn’t clash with the bridesmaids as I’ve already checked. It’s not the same colour, it’s more purple, but it still looks nice against the dress. What would be nice about having this suit, is Lamb and his cousin (my other page boy) will definitely look like part of the bridal party. The colour will stand out and they will look really special.
Outfit 2
This second suit is from Marks & Spencer. It retails between £35-£37 for the whole outfit, again depending on age. As you can see this is slightly more casual. The waistcoat only has 2 buttons, so will be less fitted, and the sleeves are rolled. You can’t really see in the photos, I only noticed this when I was in the store, but the waistcoat and trousers are slightly checked with red, which obviously works well with the colour scheme I have. It’s a really lovely suit, and very similar in price to the one from Next, but in my opinion, not as special, although I love the bow tie!
Outfit 3
My third option is from Monsoon. I don’t like many of the suit sets from here, they are all way too formal and shiny! But I did pick out these shirts that work well with the colour scheme. Both shirt & tie sets retail at £18, and the trousers are £20. Put together they cost more that the other outfits, and that’s without the waistcoat! Unfortunately, there isn’t a waistcoat to match these trousers, so I may need to find those elsewhere, but the above options give you an idea of the overall look.
To sum up, the options are as follows:
- Plum suit from Next, so the boys are in all over colour.
- Grey checked suit from Marks & Spencer, with a hint of red in the suit, shirt and bow tie.
- Purple patterned shirt and tie from Monsoon, with grey trousers and waistcoat.
I would love to know which is your favourite, and especially which you think will work best with the bridesmaid dresses. There are 4 bridesmaids, 2 flower girls and 2 page boys. Each bridesmaid will walk down the isle with a child. The flower girls are in all white (to look like a mini me!) and the boys will be in something like above.
I hope you like my choices!
Alex xx