If you follow me on Social Media you may know we had a 4D scan last week. The company put a shout out on Facebook for 2 mums who were between 28-32 weeks pregnant and could attend a 4D scan as part of training purposes. I genuinely didn’t think I’d get a spot, but I called anyway and they luckily still had once place left! Eeeeek!
When I was pregnant with Lamb my husband and I thought 4D scans were a little creepy. The thought of seeing your baby in such close detail before they were born didn’t sit well with us. However this time round we were so intrigued to ‘meet’ him!
If you read my blog posts regularly and have been following my pregnancy updates you’ll know that I’ve been suffering with anxiety recently. It’s not terrible, but it’s fairly regular and not nice.
The the 4D scan I had is designed to improve the bond you have with your baby, and I have to say this totally worked. I’ve never felt so connected to my baby. Seeing his little face and watching him move around helped me realise there’s an actual person in my belly. A person with their own personality, their own features, their own smile. Since the scan my anxiety has calmed and I’ve felt much more relaxed about having another newborn. I could almost go on to say I’m excited about it! 😉
We’ve decided to keep the scan photos secret and not share on the blog. They are amazing and show exactly what he looks like, which I think should be for our eyes only. If you want to see what a 4D scan looks like you can visit The Baby Scan Studio website to find out more information.
There are different 4D scans packages available with prices starting at £115. This may sound like a lot of money, and in fact it is, however I honestly believe it’s worth every penny. I left the scan feeling on top of the world. I had the biggest smile on my face and so did my husband.
What was extra special about the scan is that they are accommodating to the whole family and were more than happy for Lamb to come along. Having him there ‘meeting’ his brother was such a special moment. At first he was a little distracted, but the lovely ladies at the scan kept him involved by talking him through what was on the screen. At one point the baby looked like he was waving so they paused the scan and rewound the video to show him and we pointed out that the baby was waving at him.
In all honestly the whole experience was incredible and a memory that will stay with me forever.
I wasn’t asked to write this review. Like I said the 4D scan was free, but not in exchange for my review or promotion. It was for training purposes. I was just so lucky to get a place! I’m writing this review because I was genuinely so happy with the scan and the service. I didn’t get everything included in the package, like the 4D video etc, but I did get plenty of amazing photos, which I will happily share with you once baby boy is born!
If a 4D scan is something you’re considering, in my opinion you should go for it. I truly believe it helped me bond with my baby and helped with my anxiety.
My baby boy is absolutely beautiful and I can’t wait to meet him.
P.S He looks like his brother!
Lovely picture. That little foot! I’ve every one of my scans, but I never went for 4D, we just had the hospital ones.
How exciting! It’s so nice that other children can come in and share the experience too isn’t it? I bet it was an amazing experience and getting you so much more excited.
We never had a 4D scan but would be completely open to it if I ever had another baby. I am all for anything that benefits you with the bonding of your baby that is absolutely fantastic and always a good thing in my opinion. How lovely that you won it from a competition too. xx
Aww lovely so glad you got to do a 4D scan they really are amazing. I loved mine, I had to run around like a mad women for Penny to stop hiding away but once she moves it was magical to see her x
I wish I’d had one. I’m gutted I didnt get around to it. That’s lovely that lamp got to go too. It sounds so fab and how wonderful that it’s made you feel more connected and bonded with baby boy. Won’t be long now x
I am a bit like you guys were with your first pregnancy when it comes to 4D scans but reading this made me realise why other people find them amazing!
It really was amazing and I’m glad we did it. Especially as we didn’t with lamb, I’ve experienced it both ways x
Amazing image. The whole experience sounds great. Wish I had one when I had my boys xx
I’m definitely glad I did it. Such an amazing experience xx
Sounds amazing! We were considering a 4-D scan but went against as we already knew the sex and wanted something to be a surprise.
That’s one of the reasons I didn’t do it with lamb, but as it was free I thought why not! I’m definitely happy I’ve done it xx
Sounds lovely! It’s not something I’d ever do myself, I don’t even find out the sex, I’m so old fashioned!! But I do understand why people enjoy this experience. Glad it’s put your mind at ease, try not let the anxiety get too much, if it gets hard remember to breathe and talk to someone x
The fact it helped my anxiety is enough of a reason to do it for me, I feel so mug better. I wanted everything to be a surprise when I first found out I was pregnant now I know everything!! I don’t regret it at all though xx
Anything that makes you happy and puts you at ease in pregnancy sounds like a good thing to me. Glad you enjoyed the experience – and it’ll be amazing to be able to show him the pictures one day! I’d have loved to see pictures of me like that! x
I know such a lovely thing to keep forever! Xx