As this is my second pregnancy I haven’t really had the time to ‘pamper’ myself. I’m stuck having the quickest showers, rarely a luxurious bath, and shove my hair up wet most days.
There are a few products I’ve found myself using regularly this pregnancy so I thought I would share them with you.
1. My lovely friend Vicky bought me this Neal’s Yard Remedies Mothers Balm and it’s amazing! I’ll be honest, I haven’t used it everyday (slaps wrists) but I use it after most showers/baths and once I start using it I can’t stop! It’s so soft and rubs in so nicely it becomes a bit addictive. I mainly rub this on my tummy and the tops of my thighs and hips, but I often rub it on my chest and the back of my legs too. You only need the tiniest amount so one of these pots will certainly last a whole pregnancy.
2. Next up is Centrum During Pregnancy Multivitamins. During my first trimester I struggled with an awful cold that lasted around 2 months. Just when I thought I was recovering the cold would come back with a vengeance and I just couldn’t fight it. I was exhausted and fed up. When I was pregnant with Lamb I couldn’t take multivitamins, they made me sick but when a PR asked me if I wanted to try out the Centrum Pregnancy Vitamins I thought why not. Luckily I was able to keep them down and after 3 days the cold was gone and I felt normal again! I highly recommend taking multi vitamins during pregnancy, you really will feel a lot healthier.
3. I couldn’t get through my pregnancies without Gaviscon
. I struggle really badly with heartburn to the point where I’m coughing because it hurts so much. Gaviscon doesn’t cure it, obviously giving birth will make it better, but it helps a lot. I’ve already got through a huge bottle and have just bought another. I actually find my heartburn is worse when my stomach is empty so I often take some before meals which in turn helps with digestion once I’ve eaten. If you’re in early stages of pregnancy and haven’t suffered with heartburn yet, don’t be fooled and make sure you’ve got some Gavison in the cupboard!
4. Also sent to me by a PR is the Dr Organic Dead Sea Mineral Bio-Plasma Mud Mask
. I’m totally rubbish at looking after my skin. I use moisturisers every now and then, but I rarely use scrubs or masks. As I was offered this to try out I thought I’d give it a go. I use this around once a week when I have a bath and I have to say I’m really loving it (I even catch the hubby using it every now and then!) After use I find my skin is really soft and rehydrated. Pregnancy can strip you of all of your goodness and you can walk around looking like an tired, old hag (well I certainly do!) so it’s good to look after your skin and treat yourself to a relaxing mud mask every now and then!
5. Finally I have to include a lip balm in this list. My lips have been so dry and cracked during this pregnancy, although taking the pregnancy vitamins have definitely helped with this. Palmer’s Cocoa Butter Formula Lip Balm
is lovely and a new product for me recently. Palmers is such a loved brand for pregnant mums and babies so I wasn’t surprised when I fell in love with this lip balm. With added SPF 15 your lips will be protected outdoors too.
That’s my top 5 pregnancy products for this list. Do you use any of these? What products do you recommend for pregnancy?
*I was sent 2 of these products to try out and my opinions are honest and my own. This post contains affiliate links.