Sudocrem’s Skin Care Cream
is the second Sudocrem product I have reviewed, and I have not been disappointed. If I’m honest, I hadn’t heard of this cream before I was sent it to review, but after a little research it seems it’s an extremely popular product in the beauty world!
Since having Jaxson I have been left with bad skin. As a teenager I suffered with spots, mostly on my chin, so nothing too serious. I started taking a particular contraceptive pill that helped with skin problems. It worked brilliantly. Unfortunately I couldn’t stay on the pill longer than a couple of years, it just wasn’t right for me. To my surprise my skin stayed clear.
I was really disappointed when my acne reappeared after having Jaxson. Obviously my hormones are imbalanced again – boo. My sample of the Sudocrem Skin Care Cream couldn’t of come at a better time! My skin was really starting to get me down, I even went to the doctors and got some cream on prescription. This worked really well for the first few weeks, then suddenly wasn’t doing anything anymore. It’s like my skin had become immune to it!
I started using the Skin Care Cream on my face every night. My routine is the same everyday. Cleanse, tone, moisturise, eye cream. I use the Skin Care Cream all over my face. I’m not sure ifyou are supposed to use it everywhere, but after reading about it on the Sudocrem website, I figured I would benefit from using it all over my face. After a few days of testing I definitely noticed a difference. The red blotchiness was improving on my chin, and I wasn’t waking up with any new spots. I also feel my skin is generally much healthier. Unfortunately, I have quite a lot of smiles lines (yes I know, that’s the friendly way of saying I’ve got wrinkles). I’m trying my hardest to keep my skin hydrated, so I can stay looking youthful! The Skin Care Cream is definitely giving me a youthful glow!
The cream is quite thick. So if you want to use it all over, I suggest using it at night. Then reapply on the problem areas in the morning. It also smells just like the Sudocrem Antiseptic Healing Cream. But I love this. I’ve been using Sudocrem all of my life (my mum used it for nappy rash) so I trust the brand, and the fact that is smells the same reminds me of the ‘magic cream’ that used to make all of my cuts and scratches better as a child!
A little bit about the product.
- This cream is fab for young adults to use if they suffer with spot prone skin.
- It is also suitable to use on dry skin or rashes.
- Sudocrem market this cream as the ‘grown up’ version of their Antiseptic Healing Cream, (also a a fave of mine) so if you love that, you will love this.
- Gentle formula which can be used daily.
Overall, I have been really impressed with this product. I will definitely be using it indefinitely to keep my skin healthy and spot free!
Why not give it a try and see if it works for you too! If you have tried this cream already, i’d love to hear your thoughts on it.
Alex x